Valentines Day Special: The Great Lovers of Azeroth

(originally published 13th February 2016 on DVS Gaming)


World of Warcraft has always been about killing Demons and slaying Orcs, but there are plenty of love affairs and scandals in the world of Azeroth. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s take a look at six of the most romantic and scandalous love stories in Warcraft lore.

Moira Bronzebeard and Dagran Thaurissan


The first entry is rather scandalous, and who would guess it would be a dwarf: Moira Thaurissan nee Bronzebeard.  The daughter of King Magni Bronzebeard, Princess Moira ran off and married Emperor Dagran Thaurissan. Her father, King Magni, claimed she was seduced by magical means and captured against her will. During the events of The Shattering (the prelude novel to Cataclysm), King Magni sent a team to Blackrock Mountain to retrieve Moira. However, she refused to come home and announced she was pregnant. Her child is the heir to both the Kingdom of Ironforge and the Dark Iron Clan. She currently resides in Ironforge as a member of the Council of the Three Hammers, representing the Dark Iron Dwarves instead of the Bronzebeards.

Alleria Windrunner and General Turalyon


Our first interracial couple, Alleria Windrunner and General Turalyon have been missing for a number of years. They led the Alliance’s initial expedition through the Dark Portal. When Archmage Khadgar destroyed the Dark Portal on Draenor, they leapt into the Twisting Nether to escape the the cataclysm. After the damage changed Draenor into Outland, they had returned to Honor Hold. Yet, by the time of the events of The Burning Crusade, they are nowhere to be found. They have previously been considered deceased with statues honoring their service and sacrifice at the gates of Stormwind City. However, Legion will bring us answers to this puzzling mystery.

Vereesa and Rhonin

Vereesa and Rhonin” by Ladyavali

There appears to be a common theme among the Windrunner sisters for falling in love with humans, as the next couple is Vereesa Windrunner and Rhonin. Early in her career, Vereesa was assigned to escort the mage Rhonin to his ship at Hasic. This simple mission soon turned into a harrowing journey through Grim Batol, where the two destroyed the Demon Soul and freed Alexstrasza. The adrenaline rush sparked something, between the two as they fell in love during the mission and eventually married.

Jaina Proudmoore and Arthas Menethil

“No more pain” by Chenbo

Jaina Proudmoore and Prince Arthas Menethil were a match doomed from the beginning. Both from royal heritage, they were destined to meet. Arthas broke off their relationship so Jaina could focus on her magical studies in Dalaran. During the Third War, having discovered that the townspeople of Stratholme had eaten plague-infected grain from Andorhal, Arthas made the decision to kill all the citizens of Stratholme before they changed and became a threat. Uther Lightbringer refused to help in his plan. Surprisingly, Jaina followed Uther in her decision and their relationship was doomed for eternity.

Thrall and Aggra


The Golden Couple of Warcraft has to be the beloved Thrall and his mate Aggra. Thrall and Aggra met when Thrall returned to Outland’s Nagrand to learn about the elements from the Mag’har. There he met his grandmother, Geyah, who assigned Aggra as his mentor for his quest and taught him how to be a better shaman. They quarreled and argued at first, as Aggra believed that Thrall abandoned his people and homeland for Azeroth. After a while though, she fell in love with him. As he prepared to return to Azeroth, she openly declared her  feelings to him and became his mate.  It was revealed after Deathwing is slain that she was pregnant with their first child, Durak. When she returned to Pandaria for the trial of Garrosh Hellscream, it was revealed she was pregnant with her second child.

Tyrande Whisperwind, Illidan and Malfurion Stormrage


The most famous love story in Warcraft lore is the disasterous love triangle between Tyrande Whisperwind, Illidan and Malfurion Stormrage. Chosen by Elune herself to be the High Priestess, Tyrande is passionate, brave and wise. Growing up with the Stormrage brothers, they both fell in love with her, but it was only Malfurion who she loved in return. Illidan, however, was enamored with Tyrande and would see her affections as a “contest” between the two brothers.  He would try to win her affection by impressing her with magic however, he didn’t realize this would not win her heart.  The satyr Xavius tricked Illidan into seeking out the power of the Burning Legion, which powered the Demon Soul. Xavius also made Illidan think he could win Tyrande’s love if Malfurion was to die. In the end, Illidan’s treachery was his undoing, creating a new Well of Eternity on Mt. Hyjal.


Are there any great love stories from Warcraft left out? Let us know below!

All images © Blizzard Entertainment unless otherwise stated.

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