My last word on events.

You may have noticed some crazy spam on my blog today, and I would like to do a little explaining! Some of you may or may not know that I used to be apart of DVS Gaming as an editorial and games review writer.  I unofficially left the company about a year ago, and officially parted ways from them in around February this year.  My main reasons for this were that I wasn’t happy with the direction of the company and I felt like the work I was doing wasn’t being taken seriously, as well as failing to find the time to pump out the number of articles they required me to do.  I felt like I couldn’t make quality editorials and game reviews within the turn around time they required of me.  So I left.

How I felt about DVS Gaming over the 12 months is personal, and as well I still have/had friends associated with the website and community. A lot of hearsay, backstabbing and bad mouthing has happened in that time, leading to me to be glad I stepped away.  Having said that, I am genuinely sad that it is shutting down, as many people I consider friends have poured their heart and soul in to that website.

I remember the excitement I felt when I wrote an article about my literary hero and his daughter Sir Terry Pratchett OBE and Rhianna Pratchett and Rhianna Pratchett liked it on twitter!  To me, that was definitely the highlight of all that work.

However, despite that, I am glad I moved on from DVS Gaming – I am the co-owner of the Blizzard Addicts Anonymous page and community and I love every minute of it.  I’m also super busy doing officer duties for my guild <FROST> on Saurfang horde (4/9M we are recruiting!).

As for the twitter fiasco – well, that could have been handled better from both sides tbh. Lots of bitchiness, accusations and jumping to conclusions were had, leading to friendships being broken, people disillusioned and accounts (including mine, which I have no idea why I was never involved in it at all and have had no DVS handles on my social media for a long time) being blocked.

At the end of the day, what’s done is done, cannot go back to the way things were. I do wish everyone the best of luck with their future endeavours, but I think it’ll be a long time before I get involved in such a community again.

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