My last word on events.

You may have noticed some crazy spam on my blog today, and I would like to do a little explaining! Some of you may or may not know that I used to be apart of DVS Gaming as an editorial and games review writer.  I unofficially left the company about a year ago, and officially... Continue Reading →

A History of MOBA’s

(originally published 4th January 2016 on DVS Gaming) The Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) has taken over PC gaming the last few years. The most popular of these MOBA’s is also the most popular PC game being played at the moment. League of Legends is currently taking up 22.92% of  PC gaming time.  The success of this genre... Continue Reading →

Steam Greenlight Game Review: Robots in the Wild.

(originally published 25th January 2016 on DVS Gaming) Heatbox Games’ Robots in the Wild is a quirky 2D puzzle-based tower defense game.  Heatbox was founded by Minneapolis beat-boxer and game developer Aaron “Heatbox” Heaton, who spent four years developing his first ever commercial game. He describes the game in the press release as “just dropping different shaped... Continue Reading →

Game Review: Heroes Must Die

(originally published 3rd February 2016 on DVS Gaming) Heroes Must Die is the latest release from San Antonio game design and media company Heroic Games. Founded in 2015 by playwright, game designer, educator and kungfu instructor Rick Stemm. This is Heroic Games' first project, combining a video game and theatrical perfomance. Heroes Must Die tells the... Continue Reading →

The NVIDIA Foundation: Compute the Cure

(originally published 8th February 2016 on DVS Gaming) For more than 20 years NVIDIA has been a leader in visual computing, pioneering "the world's first GPU".  But what you may not know is that the NVIDIA Foundation was created to actively invest employees, partners, technology and finances into some of the world's most pressing health and... Continue Reading →

Game Review: Upwards, Lonely Robot.

(originally published 9th March 2016 on DVS Gaming) From Kasedo Games comes a simple yet amazingly challenging platform puzzle game: Upwards, Lonely Robot. Your hero is a robot that appears to be rolling around in a hamster ball that must scale the towers. Each tower presents with a series of different “enemy bots” that you need... Continue Reading →

Game Review: Game Tycoon 2

(originally published 27th April 2017 on DVS Gaming) A DVS review of Game Tycoon 2, the second installment of Sunlight Games Game Tycoon series which was originally released in 2006. Games Tycoon 2 was released on Steam on the 9th of April 2016 and Sunlight Games say that "you find yourself in the middle of the big... Continue Reading →

Game Review: BOID

(originally published 16th July 2016 on DVS Gaming) After one and a half years on Early Access on Steam, publishers tinyBuild GAMES and developers Mokus Games have finally released their real-time strategy game BOID, which stands for Bio Organic Infestation Drone.  The BOID has crash landed on a planet “enabling its primitive life forms to mutate and develop special abilities.”  The game has a... Continue Reading →

Why Fallout 4 Fails as an RPG

(originally published 10th January 2016 on DVS Gaming) Since the release of Fallout 4 the gaming community has complained that the role playing aspect has failed when compared to previous Fallout games. It has also failed when compared to the entire RPG genre. One of the biggest complaints about the overhauled SPECIAL system is that it doesn’t seem to have... Continue Reading →

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