

I’m not even sure if anyone is going to read this.  So I’m just going to write this blog like I’m going to be the only one reading it.  I’m Ysabell, and I hail from Western Australia.  I’ve been a gamer my entire life, starting off on the old Commodore Amiga 500.  I’m a huge Blizzard games fan, I’ve played World of Warcraft since the beginning of vanilla, and a long time Diablo fan as well.  I used to be only about the RPGs, but lately I’ve gotten into lots of FPS such as Bioshock and Borderlands as well as becoming completely obsessed with the Witcher franchise.

I have a 4 year old son from a previous marriage, and I’m currently married to a wonderful man from the USA who I met on the Kargath server (Horde) on World of Warcraft at the end of Wrath of the Lich King expansion.  He moved to Australia in 2013 and we’ve been inseperable ever since.

I co-own the wonderful community Blizzard Addicts Anonymous with two amazing women Chandratani and Huntress Mynx.

I want to use this blog to be able to talk about my life, my loves, my struggles, and joys.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it.

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